Commissioned Researcher - Assistant Professor Level, RCAAM of the Academy of Athens, Greece
Honorary Research Associate, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK
1) Agaoglou, M., Aguilar-Sanjuan, B., García-Garrido, V. J., García-Meseguer, R., González-Montoya, F., Katsanikas, M., Krajňák, V., Naik, S., Wiggins, S. [2019],
"Chemical Reactions: A Journey into Phase Space" (e-book). Zenodo.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3568210 (The authors are listed in alphabetical order).
2) Agaoglou, M., Aguilar-Sanjuan, B., García Garrido, V. J., González-Montoya, F., Katsanikas, M., Krajňák, V., Naik, S. , Wiggins, S. [2020]. "Lagrangian Descriptors: Discovery and Quantification of Phase Space Structure and Transport" (e-book). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3958985 (The authors are listed in alphabetical order).
Edited Volumes
1) Matthaios Katsanikas (Managing editor), Makrina Agaoglou and Francisco González Montoya [2022], "Chaos Indicators, Phase Space and Chemical Reaction Dynamics", special issue, Physica D , ISSN: 0167-2789.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 28, number 13, 2018
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 32, number 07, 2022
Papers in Refereed Journals
The total number of publications is 53 papers in refereed Journals (32 papers as first author), 8 papers in collective books and conference proceedings (three of them are refereed publications).
energy surface with a post-transition-state bifurcation", Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 26, 763-774.
26) Katsanikas M., Aguilar Sanjuan B., Gonzalez Montoya F., García-Garrido VJ and Wiggins S. [2022] "Bifurcation study on a degenerate double van der Waals cirque potential energy surface using Lagrangian descriptors", Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 105, 106089.
28) Katsanikas M., Agaoglou M. and Wiggins S. [2022] "Bifurcation of dividing surfaces constructed from period-doubling bifurcations of periodic orbits in a caldera potential energy surface", Int. Journal Bif. Chaos 32 (07), 2230015 - Feature Article (A figure from this paper is the cover page of the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC) vol.32, number 07.)
33) Katsanikas M., Hillebrand M., Skokos Ch. and Wiggins S. [2022], "The Influence of Asymmetry on the Dynamics Associated with a Caldera Potential Energy Surface", Int. Journal Bif. Chaos 32 (12), 2230030.-Feature Article.
34) Hillebrand M., Zimper S.,Ngapasare A., Katsanikas M., Wiggins S., Skokos Ch. [2022], "Quantifying chaos using Lagrangian descriptors", Chaos, 32, 123122.
41) Katsanikas M and Wiggins S, [2024], “2D Generating Surfaces and Dividing surfaces in Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom”, Int. Journal. Bif. Chaos, 34 (01), 2430002- Feature Article.
42) Katsanikas M and Wiggins S., [2024], “3D Generating Surfaces in Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom - I”, Int. Journal. Bif. Chaos, 34(02), 2430004-Feature Article.
43) Katsanikas M and Wiggins S., [2024], “3D Generating Surfaces in Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom - II”, Int. Journal. Bif. Chaos, 34(02), 2430005-Feature Article.
44) Gonzalez Montoya F, Katsanikas M and Wiggins S. [2024] "Periodic Orbit Dividing Surfaces in a Quartic Hamiltonian System with three degrees of freedom -I", Int. Journal. Bif. Chaos, 34, 2430011 -Feature Article.
45) Moges H., Katsanikas M., Patsis P.A., Hillebrand M. and Skokos Ch. [2024], "The evolution of the phase space structure along pitchfork and period-doubling bifurcations in a 3D galactic bar potential", Int. Journal. Bif. Chaos, 34, 2430013 -Feature Article.
52) Katsanikas M, Gonzalez Montoya F. and Wiggins S. [2024] "3D Generating surfaces in a Quartic Hamiltonian System with three degrees of freedom -I", Int. Journal Bif. Chaos, (in press).
53) Katsanikas M, Gonzalez Montoya F. and Wiggins S. [2024] "3D Generating surfaces in a Quartic Hamiltonian System with three degrees of freedom -II", Int. Journal Bif. Chaos, (in press).
Papers in Conference Proceedings and Collective Books
A) Refereed Papers
3) Katsanikas M. and Wiggins S. [2023] "Phase Space Transport and Dynamical Matching in a Caldera-Type Hamiltonian System." In: Bountis, T., Vallianatos, F., Provata, A., Kugiumtzis, D., Kominis, Y. (eds) Chaos, Fractals and Complexity. COSA-Net 2022. Springer Proceedings in Complexity. Springer, Cham. 47-56,
B) Non-Refereed Papers
1.) Katsanikas M. and Patsis P.A. [2010] "The Orbital Behavior at the neighborhood of Stable Periodic Orbits in a 3D Galactic Potential'' Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, San Francisco:Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 424, 380-381.
2.) Katsanikas M. [2013] "The structure of Invariant tori around L4 in the case of the Sun-Jupiter system'' Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 19.
3.) Contopoulos G., Efthymiopoulos C. and Katsanikas M. [2013] "Analytical study of the structure of chaos near unstable points'' Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 26 (arXiv:1410.2761).
4.) Contopoulos G., Efthymiopoulos C., Harsoula M. and Katsanikas M. [2014] "Analytical study of the order and Chaos'' Proceedings of the Academy of Athens, Vol. 89A, 89-104 (in Greek).
5) Katsanikas M. [2021] “The mechanism of dynamical matching in a Caldera-type potential”, in “New Astronomical Discoveries”, Annual journal of RCAAM of the Academy of Athens, 6, 87-94 (in Greek).
1.) Katsanikas M. [2005] M.Sc Thesis: ''The structure of the phase space in galactic potentials of three degrees of freedom'' (in Greek), Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Supervisor: P.A. Patsis).
2.) Katsanikas M., [2012] Ph.D Thesis: "The structure of the phase space in rotating Hamiltonian Systems with three degrees of freedom of galactic type"
(in Greek), Department of Physics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece & Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics of the Academy of Athens, Greece (Supervisors: P.A. Patsis - A. Pinotsis).